Design is the procces and interactions of ideas and clonclusions. To desing it means to encounter. Also design can have many ways and those ways many process. When designing and viewing all of this, is beutiful how in a way they end up in a same path. Regardless of the methods or how different each and one of them can be to design is to start and end in the same line with different results.
When speaking of design there is always a artistic method behing the word. However design can be any process wich an idea has come to mind and has been develope to a final product. Design can be a great building and a way a plate in a restaurant is decorated. That is a wonderful way of opening the doors for many people to view what design really is. Usually people have the thought that everything regarding art and design are for certain people who really love art and inmerse in it. In a way art can be even greater when this type of passion is involve the same as any other career. Still art is in everything, even a very scheduled daily rutine can be beutiful and artistic. The same is to design, we design our rutine, we design our home, we design ourselfs.
After finally seeign all the ways that design can be presented there is always a certain way that all of them can take. There is always a end to design and a new beggining. Is like a cicle where in each and one of those the methods of design and what is designed continues to evolve. Even if its a chair or a plane the design of it will have to go to a similar process and end in a similar way. Still it gives different results or even new ones that went through the same path.
Finally design can have many topics, the fact that I touch these topics is because they really stayed in mind. The way that design can have many forms, even those simple ones that we didn't think of. Even what happens with design through time. How design in a way just encounters itself all over again. Is really wonderfal in many ways. Is really wonderful to design, to create.