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Space as a novel

When speaking of space we can say that is a definition of a form wich gives you a specific area to be. We can create space just like writing storie. Even read spaces as reading a book. Space like said in a blog before keeps with time changing and adapting new forms. Those forms gives us new architecture.

When creating a space the process is like writing a storie in a way. Since you have to take in mind the characters, the plot, how to develope the plot, how to find the solution and how to will that end be. When creating a space you haveb to think on who or what you are creating that space for. You have to see the time and way this certain space will take. Then you will have to think on how you will develope this space. To finally give it its end. Is a process wich in a way is stressful and on the other hand very satisfying when finally reaching that climax of the storie of your space.

On the other hand when encounturing a space there is this history or this tale about it that is just amazing. There a spaces that guides you to other spaces just as the words of a book continues to wrap you on the storie and when you finally realize you have already read fourty or more pages of the book. Others just takes you directly to another word. And there are some that may give you some surprises. Just as there are many types of stories, characters and types of books, there are many forms of spaces with different stories, characters and types. Such is what a space is about.

Form me writing and reading a space are both fun and stunning. Is like you are going in the middle of this consnstant process of thinking over and over. Finding new ways to solve this and that. Changing constantly many things. Your are in this race of production. That in a way is very exciting.


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