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A World In Just A Space

When talking about space there are many synonyms that can be given to it. One that I could give to it is a wonderwrold. I give it that since space can be seen in many ways. Also it can become something very unusual. When we talk about space it can be a certain area and much more that just that.

A space can be define with just three sticks. It can also be define by just a wall and two sticks. This play of just some figures struck to certain points is what I can say for certain that sapce can have many forms. There are as many methods and visual effects that can be implied in creating a space or defining one. For example have a floor uneven with another, both of them being sorrounded by buildings or more uneven floors, all of this creates not just one space but many spaces in just one area.

Space can have many forms but that is something that I will talk in another time. Speaking in a abstract way space can be seen and created in very uncommon ways. Some example of this can be the one I mentioned in the paragraph of before. When talking about a certain space you don't need certain things, objects or forms to really declare what is space and what is not. For that is why it can take any type of form.

With this said there is a whole world when creating a space. Space along time continues to have new forms and definitions. And this forms and definitions to create more and more wonderful projects. What impressed me is that in a way it doesn't have a limit to it. Creating a space surely is a wonderful experience.

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